Viva Magenta: Pantone’s Color of the Year

The color gurus at Pantone have announced their color of the year for 2023. They’re calling it Viva Magenta, but if you think of magenta as a dark pink, you may find this new color looks a tad more red—like magenta that overstayed its time in the oven.

Pantone says the color is “powerful and empowering” and “an animated red that revels in pure joy, encouraging experimentation and self-expression without restraint, an electrifying and a boundaryless shade that is manifesting as a stand-out statement.” Wow.

Book cover designers were already onto the powerful attraction of this color and have been experimenting with it for a while. Several of Literary Hub’s “best” covers from last year incorporating restrained amounts of this lively shade.

Note how teaming magenta with red gives it that extra boost of intensity that Viva Magenta provides. (Remember the cans of powdered paint we had in school art classes? Red, yellow, green, etc., etc.? I can still smell them. I was a teenager before I realized the bright pink was NOT Magneta.)

4 thoughts on “Viva Magenta: Pantone’s Color of the Year

  1. That’s one of my favorite colors, actually. I think of it as a deep prink or bright rose; like some of the other folks here, I picture “magenta” as have a little more purple in it. But I love that whole spectrum of colors.

  2. Looks dark pink to me, but then again I’m still having trouble figuring out which color is teal.

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