By Brian Kilmeade and Don Yaeger – The story of “the spy ring that saved the American Revolution.” This book should have been lots more exciting, but perhaps it wasn’t because there are not a lot of facts to go on about the five men, whose names are known, and one woman (“Agent 355”) who formed the Culper Spy Ring. For several years, they fed information direct to George Washington about British activities from the heart of occupied New York and had only to recall the hanging of Nathan Hale to know what would happen to them, should they be discovered. The Culper Ring was directly involved in such tide-turning events as misleading the Brits about the approach of French naval support, exposing the perfidy of Benedict Arnold, and stealing the British Navy’s code book. Knowing Kilmeade is a cohost of Fox News Channel’s morning show may have prompted me to expect a lightweight presentation, and my expectations were rewarded. (3/8)
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