Vancouver Cool

Vancouver, Marine building, Superman doorway

(photo: author)

Five days in Vancouver for a wedding last week. What a great city! Outdoor art, cathedral-forested Stanley Park, great food (order the salmon!), friendly people, and water views everywhere. Especially enjoyed the Aquarium (for a smile, see the sea otter cam here—I wanted to show you the jelly fish cam, because they were so spectacular, but I’m not sure it’s working; you can try), a walking tour of the city’s scattered Art Deco buildings (Vancouver is a city where the Developer is King), reminders of the 2012 winter Olympics, and being on the water. Great to leave a place with “more to see” and reasons to return. You may recognize the “Gotham” doorway at right from numerous movies!

orca, Blackfish, outdoor art, VancouverThe Aquarium is caught up in the anti-cetacean captivity controversy, touched on in this recent New Yorker article about challenges in aquarium design. The Vancouver Aquarium’s position is explained in this open letter. They are non-profit and do not keep orcas, problems about which were stunningly revealed in the documentary, Blackfish.