
Michael Sheen, Heartlands, movieThe British movie Heartlands (2002) (trailer) and I got off on the wrong foot when I glimpsed the opening credits and saw —–Sheen in the cast, and I waited apprehensively for Charlie Sheen to show up. Finally, I recognized a young Michael Sheen. Then the accents made sense, too. Sheen plays a terminally mild-mannered young man whose only discernible talent is playing darts. He throws them throughout the opening credits and, after I started noticing, he didn’t blink once.

In the film, he’s aced out of both a big darts tournament and his wife by none other than Jim Carter (Downton Abbey’s redoubtable Carson—fun to see him in his younger days). Our hero takes his mo-ped on the road to get to Blackpool (“the Las Vegas of the North”) and win her back. Road movies always turn into picaresques, and he meets some terrific characters on the way.

Not a must-see, but sweet. Sheen is always terrific. Rotten Tomatoes rating: 60 percent, but 81 percent of the audience liked it! Me, too. Low stress. (And not to be confused with other movies of similar names!)