So far, three library book clubs and one “unaffiliated” club in three states have decided to read my mystery/thriller, Architect of Courage, and give their members a chance to ask me questions about it. The first one of these occurred last week, when my “home” club—the mystery book club at Princeton Public Library—read the book.
This is one of those activities that Zoom has made much more doable! The group not only includes ten or so members from the Princeton area, but one of us has moved to Maine, one is here now but for some months was based in Richmond, Virginia, and I think one or two of us are Florida snowbirds.
Group leader Gayle Stratton and I agreed that, in the interest of candor, the group would have about 45 minutes to discuss the book before I joined the call for the second half of our meeting. That apparently was an unnecessary precaution, because it seems they were unanimous in reporting they enjoyed the book! Their questions covered plot, intent, research strategies, publishing, favorite characters—a whole array of issues.
In promoting the novel through interviews and book events, I’ve found I most enjoy the q&a. It’s always fun to see how different people interpret the same things. It’s a challenge authors frequently face. They have to walk the fine line between explaining too much and explaining too little. Although I work hard to make the text clear, questions still come up. In general, I’m a big believer in trusting the reader. When I’m reading, I hate the feeling I’m being spoon-fed. If an author tells the character’s dog died, she doesn’t need to tell me the character stayed in bed all day because she is sad. I know why she did that.
Just after Labor Day, I spent two days at the Library of Virginia genealogizing, and saw a big poster for its book group. The club was planning to discuss SA Cosby and Razorblade Tears on September 14. I’ve listened to the audiobooks of Razorblade Tears and its predecessor, Blacktop Wasteland, both of which delve into what Cosby has called “the holy trinity of Southern fiction—race, class, and sex.”
This was an opportunity not to be missed! Another Zoom success, I thought; I could call in from New Jersey. Disappointingly, he wasn’t on the call, so I missed my opportunity to ask whether part of his process is reading his books out loud. His dialog is so spot-on perfect, I figured he must do that. Then his publisher hires the genius narrator Adam Lazarre-White for the audio versions (highly recommended). I’ll just have to wait for another chance to ask Cosby my question.
If your book club reads fiction—be in touch!
Congratulations on the good reviews from the readers. I was at a book signing event this past weekend and my buddy, who was at the signing we did at Centuries & Sleuths, mentioned how impressed he was with your book. You’re getting fans all over the place.
Cool! I remember two of your friends there–one with his daughter and he asked a lot of good (and much appreciated) questions and one who was quite tall and I believe named John. I was a little excited that day, so don’t recall as well as I should! But I do remember they both bought books!
The Mystery Book Club of the Upstate South Carolina Chapter of Sisters in Crime is delighted that you will be joining us for our discussion on October 12th. Anyone who cares to join our zoom call can contact me at sally@sallyhandley.com or click on the link below to register: https://sistersincrime-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYsfuiqrTIqHtNEud1S3SPZiwwEZG9Olgl6.
So looking forward to this! Thanks, Sally!